Enjoy playing games as a family? We hear some fun suggestions for easy games that everyone can play
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Family game nights aren’t just a thing of the past. What comes to your mind when you think about family game night? Whether you’re the winner or the loser, family game nights can be enjoyed by all. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of family game nights and suggest some fun game ideas.
Family Game Night
Family game night doesn’t have to be complicated. Some people enjoy going out together to the arcade as a family. You can just grab a few games and invite people over. However, if you host a game night you might as well go all out. Every gathering needs a theme, right? Snacks are always a bonus. Be creative. There are many benefits of having a family game night.
Teach important life skills
Games can help you develop strategies and important life skills. They teach you how to adapt to different situations. Games mimic real-life scenarios and can also be good conversation starters. Kids can practice their problem-solving and memory. Playing games is an opportunity to teach kids how to shuffle cards and help with motor skills.

Helps reduce stress
Life is full of stress. During the pandemic, we’ve all needed something to do that would relieve stress. We all need a break from homework, the office, housework, etc. Family game night is just the ticket. It is an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and just have fun together. Games can also bring laughter and joy.
Reduce screen time
Screen time and education can go hand in hand. However, too much screen time is a problem for kids and adults alike. It’s easy to be glued to our phones, tablets, and television. A weekly game night can be a time when all the electronics are put away. This will give you a chance to spend some actual face time and communication.
Teach good sportsmanship
It’s ok to be competitive. However, no one likes to lose, but losing helps teach kids good sportsmanship. It’s not polite or constructive when the winner rubs in the loser’s face. Regularly playing games will give you a chance to practice being a good sport and the importance of teamwork.
Improve communication and collaboration skills
Games often require teams and people to work together to accomplish a goal. Teaching your children effective communication and listening is invaluable. Games force you to practice communicative and collaborative skills for both adults and kids.
Create lasting memories
Tradition! We all like our traditions. Family game night can be the start of a fun family tradition. Game night can be something the entire family looks forward to every week. The tradition of a family game night could be something passed down through the generations.
Everyone can enjoy
Games can be entertaining and enjoyable for all ages. There are so many games to choose from! Board games, ball games, card games, and more. The options are endless. A family game night is a fun time for all and an opportunity to build stronger, lasting relationships.

Minute to Win It
Whether you’re nine or ninety-two, Minute to Win It games can be enjoyed by all ages. Do your research and find games that can be played and modified so everyone can play. These games generally require props, which can be reused. You could have a “Mary Poppins” bag with all the items needed for different games. Before you know it, “You’ll be practically perfect in every way.” You have sixty seconds. Ready… Set… Go!
Face the Cookie
Take an Oreo cookie and, with your head tilted back, place it on your forehead. Then attempt to move the cookie down your face from your forehead to your mouth. The first one to eat the cookie wins.
The Nut Stacker
Take six hex nuts and a bamboo skewer. Then stack the hex nuts on the narrow side using the skewer. The most stacked hex nuts or the first person to finish in a minute, win it!
M&M Transfer
Place an eighth to a quarter cup of M&M’s in a bowl for each person. Then take a straw and transfer the M&M’s to a plate by sucking on the straw. See how many a person can transfer in one minute and you win it!
Cup Stacker
Take a stack of twenty-five Solo cups for older kids, and twenty cups for eight years old or younger. Move cups one at a time from the bottom of the stack to the top of the stack. Use a different colored cup or mark it with tape or marker to indicate the top cup in the stack.
Penny Stacking
Take a set of twenty-five pennies. Move the pennies from one point to another, stacking one penny at a time. Do not stack inside your hand.
Step up to the free throw line one person at a time. Shoot baskets for one minute and see who can make the most.
Rubber Band Shooting Gallery
Get some rubber bands and aluminum soda cans. Have each player stand ten feet away. Start the clock and see how many cans you can knock over in one minute.
Marshmallow Toss
Who doesn’t love marshmallows? Give each player a designated number of marshmallows and a mug. Place the mug on the table, stand back, and see how many marshmallows you can toss into the mug in one minute.
Leaning Tower of LEGO
Fill two bins with legos. Consider the age of your players so that this game isn’t too challenging. Players must build a tower by stacking the bricks. If the tower breaks, don’t give up and continue stacking. The first person to stack all their bricks wins!
Card Ninja
This Win It to Minute game can be fun for an older crowd. Cut a watermelon in half and secure it to a table or flat surface. Give the players a stack of playing cards. These will be their “throwing stars.” Throw the cards at the watermelon and whoever throws the most cards that stick into the watermelon in a minute wins!
Nose Dive
This game can be messy. The key component of this game is petroleum jelly. Have each player put vaseline on their nose. Grab two bowls and place cotton balls in one of them. In one minute, using their nose, each player should move the cotton balls to the empty bowl. Whoever transfers the most, wins!
Three, Two, One!
Finally, it’s your turn to be creative. Use your imagination and make your family game nights unique. Every family is different. Start a tradition and build tight-knit, lasting relationships. Enjoy some screen-free time, sit back, relax, and have a blast!
About the Author
Katie Meyers is an SEO Specialist at SEO Design Chicago. Before joining the SEO Design Chicago team, she interned for them, as well as interned as a Content Writer at HZD Creates. Katie is from Washington State and has an AA and a Social Media Marketing Certificate.
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