Worried about the dangers of animals around children? We hear some tips for how to keep your kids safe
Children are naturally inquisitive, and it’s only normal for them to want to interact when they see a new potential furry friend. When you have a pet in your own home, your child will hopefully soon start to feel completely comfortable around them, and understand the boundaries of how they can and can’t interact. But when they come across new, unfamiliar animal companions, it can be a little more difficult for children to know how to behave.
There is so much joy to be had from spending time around animals, but there are also plenty of potential dangers when children play with animals they don’t know. That’s why teaching children how to interact safely with animals is so important – it helps to keep both your child and the animal happy.
Before allowing your children to play freely with the pets they come across, there are a few steps they need to be aware of to keep them safe.

Ask for permission
The most important thing to keep in mind when interacting with other pets is they belong to someone else. However friendly or approachable an animal may look, there are a number of reasons why it could be unsafe to interact with it, be it they’re too young and vulnerable, or they could be dangerous to other humans.
While your child may be bubbling with excitement, not all pets are comfortable with strangers, and it’s important to be respectful of their boundaries. Asking permission not only shows courtesy to the pet owner, but also ensures the safety of your child and the pet. It’s a small step that makes a big difference.

Take cues from their body language
It can be more difficult for children to understand the nuances of animals’ body language. While lots of pets will be happy to have strangers give them a stroke, others may not be so sociable, and these animals will often make us aware of that fact. Even if the owner grants permission, it’s also important to take note of the animal’s mood, since they may be less receptive to meeting new people. Potential signs of apprehension in dogs include loud, aggressive barking, having their tail between their legs or their ears pointing up and forwards.
If the pet appears happy and comfortable, children should understand how to play with them safely, to avoid upsetting them. For instance, they should be gentle when petting an animal, and avoid pulling tails or ears. With a dog, there are certain areas where they’re typically happy to be petted such as the top of the head and neck or around the ears. But this isn’t the case with every pup, so always be cautious and gentle. Make sure they don’t make any sudden movements which could appear threatening, and to keep themselves low at the dog’s level.

Keep hygiene in mind
As much as we love our furry little friends, it’s important to remember that they can carry harmful bacteria, even if they’re healthy and well-cared for. That’s why it’s crucial to remind children to wash their hands after interacting with animals – even if they’re familiar with them. By doing so, we can reduce the risk of children contracting illnesses such as E. Coli or salmonella.
Plus, it’s a good habit to instil in young children to promote good hygiene practices as they grow older. So the next time your child wants to give a stranger’s pet a hug or feed them a treat, make sure they wash their hands afterwards.
This dedication to dogs is beautiful. Congratulations.