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Mountain road with many hairpin bends, in Norway

7 Common Safe Practices for Long Road Trips

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We hear some advice for how to be prepared and stay alert when behind the wheel

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Embarking on a long road trip is an exciting adventure that promises unforgettable experiences and discoveries. However, ensuring safety on the road is paramount to a successful journey. Whether you’re planning a cross-country excursion or a weekend getaway, practicing safe driving habits can make all the difference in reaching your destination safely and enjoying the ride along the way. In this article, we’ll explore seven common safe driving practices that every road tripper should remember to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Top of Form

Looking along a stretch of country road in Ireland

#1 Plan Your Route and Rest Stops

Planning your route meticulously before embarking on a long road trip is essential for a smooth journey. Identify rest stops along the way to take breaks every few hours. Opt for well-traveled highways and main roads, and avoid unfamiliar or hazardous routes.

Adequate rest stops not only prevent driver fatigue but also promote alertness and concentration behind the wheel. Research potential rest areas in advance to ensure they offer amenities such as restrooms, food options, and safe parking. Remember to check for any construction or road closures that may affect your route.

#2 Stay Alert and Avoid Fatigue

Long hours on the road can lead to driver fatigue, increasing the risk of accidents. To combat this, ensure you get enough sleep before your journey and take breaks as needed. Share driving responsibilities with fellow passengers to prevent exhaustion. Rotate drivers regularly to keep everyone fresh and alert. 

Avoid driving during late-night hours when fatigue is most pronounced, and be mindful of warning signs such as yawning, heavy eyelids, or drifting out of your lane. Consider listening to engaging podcasts or upbeat music to help stay alert during long stretches of driving.

Road spanning many small islands in the sea in Norway

#3 Maintain a Safe Following Distance

Maintaining a safe following distance is crucial for avoiding rear-end collisions, especially on long stretches of highway. Adhere to the three-second rule, leaving ample space between your vehicle and the one in front. Increase your following distance during adverse weather conditions or heavy traffic to allow for longer stopping distances. 

By maintaining a safe buffer zone, you’ll have more time to react to sudden changes in traffic flow. Always be aware of tailgaters and adjust your speed or change lanes if necessary to maintain a safe distance. Remember, it’s better to arrive at your destination a little later than risk a collision by tailgating.

#4 Prepare for Emergencies

Despite careful planning, emergencies can arise during long road trips. Be prepared by packing an emergency kit containing essential items such as a first aid kit, flashlight, bottled water, non-perishable snacks, and basic tools. Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures, including changing a tire, jump-starting a vehicle, or seeking assistance in remote areas. Having a well-equipped emergency kit ensures you’re ready to handle unexpected situations with confidence.

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In the unfortunate event of an accident, know how to safely exit your vehicle and contact emergency services. Keep important phone numbers handy, including those for roadside assistance and emergency services. Additionally, consider contacting Texas injury lawyers to understand your rights and legal options in the event of a car accident. They can provide valuable guidance and representation, ensuring that you receive fair compensation for any injuries or damages sustained.

#5 Obey Speed Limits and Traffic Laws

Obeying speed limits and traffic laws is essential for safe driving during long road trips. Stick to the posted speed limits and adjust your speed according to road and weather conditions. Avoid aggressive driving behaviors such as tailgating, weaving through traffic, or excessive speeding. 

Adhering to traffic laws reduces the risk of accidents and minimizes the likelihood of receiving traffic citations. Stay informed about local traffic regulations, especially when crossing state lines, to ensure compliance throughout your journey. Remember, speed limits are set for a reason, and driving within them promotes safety for everyone on the road.

Woman driving with her head out of the window
Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

#6 Minimize Distractions

Distractions behind the wheel can significantly impair your ability to focus and react to potential hazards. Minimize distractions by stowing away electronic devices, adjusting vehicle settings before driving, and refraining from eating or drinking while driving. If using GPS or navigation systems, program your route before setting off and use voice commands when necessary.

Keep conversations with passengers light and avoid engaging in activities that divert your attention from the road. Remember that even momentary distractions can have serious consequences, so stay focused on driving at all times. Consider using hands-free devices for phone calls and implementing a “no phone zone” policy while driving.

#7 Check Weather and Road Conditions

Before embarking on your long road trip, check weather forecasts and road conditions along your route. Be prepared for inclement weather that may affect driving conditions, such as rain, snow, or fog.

Adjust your travel plans accordingly, considering alternative routes or delaying your trip if necessary. Stay informed about road closures, construction zones, and traffic incidents that may impact your journey. By staying proactive and aware of potential hazards, you can mitigate risks and ensure a safer driving experience.


Safe driving practices are essential for a smooth and secure long road trip experience. By following these six common guidelines you can navigate the highways with confidence and arrive at your destination safely. Remember, prioritizing safety ensures that your road trip memories are filled with joy and adventure, rather than accidents and mishaps.

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